26 Cute penguin love quotes

Many people are fascinated by penguins and their unique culture. Some people even think that they are interesting because they are so adorable. Here are some of the most cute penguin love quotes to show you how much people care about these little creatures.

What is Penguin

Penguins are one of the most amazing animals on Earth. They're flightless seabirds that live almost exclusively below the equator, and they're some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet. penguins can learn to use tools and migrate to new areas in order to find food.

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Types of Penguin

Emperor penguin, 
King penguin, 
Little penguin,
Southern rockhopper penguin,
Macaroni penguin,
Northern rockhopper penguin, 
Fiordland penguin, 
Snares penguin, 
Royal penguin, 
Erect-crested penguin, 
Yellow-eyed penguin, 
Adélie penguin, 
Chinstrap penguin,
Gentoo penguin, 
African penguin, 
Humboldt penguin, 
Magellanic penguin, 
Galápagos penguin, 

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Short and Cute Penguin Quotes

  • 1.Charles Bergman- “Penguins are one of the best antidotes for despair that I know.”
  • 2. David S. Atkinson- “How could there be penguins if nothing existed yet?”
  • 3.  Zooey Deschanel- “I think penguins are cute.” 
  • 4. Kim Harrison -“She smiled with the warmth of a penguin.”
  • 5. Edgar Cantero - “I saw the whole thing! A dog and a penguin helped him escape!”
  • 6. Kira Jane Buxton-  “Penguins, it turns out, are pretty fucking delightful.” 
  • 7. Tim Burton- “My name is Jimmy, but my friends just call me the hideous penguin boy.”
  • 8. D.J. MacHale- “Oh yeah, and Spader was hanging out with a penguin.” 
  • 9. Stephenie Meyer-  “Penguins. Lovely.” 
  • 10. James Tupper- “You can’t train a penguin to act. You kind of have to take what you get.”

Funny Penguin Quotes

  • 1.Linus Torvalds- “If you think penguins are fat and waddle, you have never been attacked by one running at you in excess of 100 miles per hour.” 
  • 2.  Douglas Adams- “Ford, you’re turning into a penguin. Stop it.”
  • 3.  Thomas Keating- “You should not take prayer too seriously. There is something playful about God. You only have to look at a penguin to realize that He likes to play little jokes on creatures.” 
  • 4. Pat Shand- Lesley Howrath- “I know what nuns are, kind of. It’s just I never saw one. I didn’t know they looked like penguins.”
  • 5.“Why would a penguin be in a piss pot?” 
  • 6. Terry Pratchett- “There have been better attempts at marching, and they have been made by penguins.” 
  • 7. Ed Sheeran-  “If I ever have any back-up dancers, I want the penguins from Madagascar.” 
  • 8. Richard and Florence Atwater-  “Mr. Popper had read that penguins are extremely curious, and he soon found that this was true, for stepping out, the visitor began to inspect the house. Down the hall it went, and into the bedrooms, with its strange, pompous little strut.” 
  • 9. Bob Saget-  “I’m fortunate to know a lot of incredibly talented people, and they all want to be a penguin.”
  • 10. Bill Watterson-  “You can draw a penguin on a toilet reading The New York Times and it’s adorable, but try doing it with an adult male character, and it’s disgusting.” 

Best Penguin Quotes

  • 1. Anna Staniszewski- “Once a penguin finds its perfect other penguin, they stay together pretty much forever.”
  • 2. Jasper Fforde- “I suggest we depict penguins as callous and unfeeling creatures who insist on bringing up their children in what is little more than a large chest freezer.”
  • 3. Rebekah Crane-  “I’ve never been in love, but if a penguin can find a soul mate, I’m sure I can, too.” 
  • 4. C.B. Cook- “Antarctica. You know, that giant continent at the bottom of the earth that’s ruled by penguins and seals.”
  • 5. Joe Moore- “It’s practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.” 
  • 6. Rick Riordan- “The answer to every problem involved penguins.” 

In conclusion, penguins are some of the cutest creatures around and can be found in many different places around the world. They have Some really sweet love quotes to show just how much they care about us humans!

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